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Fire bricks pizza oven

Jun 13, 2022
Cinder block, refractory brick, vermiculite, mortar, refractory mortar, wood board, plywood, clay
1. Substrate
Start by choosing a suitable build point for your oven. Once you've dimensioned the oven, you'll need to do some excavation work, and then pour concrete into the depression to create a base platform.
The main body of the base is built up by stacking cinder blocks and fixed with concrete.
2. Stove
Vermiculite is a mineral material with good fire resistance, heat resistance, and thermal insulation properties. After the model is made of wood, plywood, and steel mesh, the vermiculite layer is poured.
A rebar grid is built over the vermiculite layer, concrete is poured, and it is allowed to air dry. You can then remove the previously built model and the support plate.
3. Furnace body
Refractory bricks are ideal materials for building furnace bodies. It should be noted that remember to reserve enough space for the final insulation of the furnace body.
Remember to coat the hearth with refractory mortar and use the mortar to tightly bond the bricks of the hearth.
With the help of the support, start making the arch.
After filling the bricks with mortar, allow them to dry and fully bond, and carefully remove the supports
Then repeat this step, gradually building up the entire furnace body.
4. Chimney
Don't forget to add the chimney! It should be noted that the height of the chimney should be higher than the standing height of ordinary people, and its weight must be within the load-bearing range of the furnace body.
5. Overlay
At this point, you can already see the prototype of the entire oven. Finally, the metal slats are used to make the support frame, and the vermiculite material is poured to form the insulating cover.
You will dislike that it is not good-looking (what about an oven like a fantasy castle?) Then, go through the final processing and paint it for decoration. This consumes your infinite energy, but it also brings you full satisfaction. The fun-filled firebrick oven is done!