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What is refractory castable and it's structure

Jul 02, 2022
Refractory castable is a mixture composed of refractory aggregate, powder and binder. After adding water or other liquids, it is suitable for construction by pouring and vibration methods. It can also be prefabricated into prefabricated parts with specified shape and size for construction. Industrial furnace lining. In order to improve the physical and chemical properties and construction properties of refractory castables, an appropriate amount of admixtures are often added, such as plasticizers, dispersants, coagulants, retarders, swelling agents, debonding-gelling agents, etc. In addition, for refractory castables that are used for parts subjected to large mechanical force or strong thermal shock, if an appropriate amount of stainless steel fiber is added, the toughness of the material will be significantly increased. In the heat-insulating refractory castable, adding inorganic fibers can not only enhance the toughness, but also contribute to the improvement of its heat-insulating